Ihab El Riz


Ihab El Riz was born in Lebanon and moved to Lüneburg, Germany, at the age of four, where he grew up with his parents and five siblings. Living between two cultures gave him the ability to think outside the box and empathize with diverse people and lifestyles. These multiple perspectives and backgrounds motivate Ihab to seek connections and create functional and emotional solutions based on common ground.

With over a decade of experience, Ihab specializes in creating sustainable, durable, and visually captivating objects by rejuvenating old materials such as glass, stone, and aluminium. He combines new technologies with traditional craftsmanship. His collaboration with renowned designer Tobias Grau and his degree in industrial design from the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts in Kiel reflect his dedication to balancing aesthetic finesse with ecological responsibility. Ihab’s goal is to design products that are not only functional and beautiful but also environmentally conscious to meet evolving societal demands.


New technological, economic and ecological conditions and changing social values require us not only to react to today’s needs, but to proactively go beyond them. Ihab’s goal is to create durable products with clear functionality and aesthetic depth that creates emotional value. He dedicatedly follows this path leading to pure design and sustainable solutions. Ihab’s concepts are based on intercultural and interdisciplinary approaches to bridge user and object and facilitate bridges between people.


10/2007 – 07/2008

Architecture studies, HafenCity University, Hamburg, GER.

09/2008 – 03/2012

B.A. Industrial Design, Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts, Kiel, GER.

03/2011 – 07/2011

Internship as industrial designer at PSLAB. Lighting Design, Beirut, LBN.

09/2012 – 12/2016

Industrial designer & product developer at Tobias Grau GmbH, Rellingen (Hamburg), GER


Co-founder and art director at MOE`S Shisha GmbH & Co.KG, Lüneburg, GER.

From 01/2016

Freelance industrial designer, Hamburg, GER.